Draft Cafe Ramadan Campaign


Co-Creation Taken to the Next Level with Local Brand and Lovemark: Draft Cafe


Project Type
Digital Marketing

Saudi Arabia


Project Link



Each Ramadan, brands all over KSA look to create effective communication to celebrate the holy month but also take the opportunity to create resonance with their brand. Seasonal communication is key because it gives the brand a chance to shine, and that is exactly what we wanted to create for Draft Cafe.


For Ramadan 2018, Draft Cafe wanted something to commemorate the occasion while also showcasing their brand core and values that revolve around “cherishing creativity”. After conducting our ethnographic research and using observation and shadowing techniques, we were able to observe the behavior of Draft Cafe’s customers as they enjoy sipping their coffee and hanging out at the cafe. Hence, we came up with the idea of a campaign that raises awareness to the artistic and design aspect of the brand, creating a buzz around Draft Cafe, engaging the local customers in a yearly one of a kind competition, and positioning Draft Cafe as the creative hub that connects well with its community and customers to celebrate Ramadan and Eid season.



We created an annual competition called the Ramadan Cup edition, a campaign that celebrates communal creativity, the Draft Cafe way, and executed the campaign from the ideation until implementation and social media management. The idea of the campaign was that multiple users will draw Ramadan-related doodles on the iconic Draft Cafe cup, only in black, and submit them in the designated boxes in each of the branches.

Before the deadlines, an online campaign was released on Draft Cafe’s social media platforms where we encouraged customers to unleash their creativity. Some posts in the editorial calendar also included sneak peeks of some of the entries. A jury was conducted in order to choose the first three winners, and they were announced on Instagram with a separate post for each of the designs. The concept of this campaign was to engage the creative community with Draft Cafe, and associate perceptions of design and art with the brand.

For 2018, Draft Cafe received a whopping 672 entries, in which 18 pieces were listed and the 3 final winners later chosen. For 2019, Draft Cafe received 300 entries; however, with a much higher caliber of design and quality, which ensured that the competition was receiving both amateurs and lovers of art, but also professionals and the local talents. To uphold Draft Cafe’s ethos of sustainability, we upcycled the entries from last year to create a fairy light installation that would be used in Eid in all the branches.


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